Sunday, February 24, 2013

I'm back on Zelda Dungeon!!!

As you might know, I've been blocked from commenting on Zelda Dungeon for some time, for whatever reason.  Well, now, after e-mailing Mases a few times, I can now comment again!!!  Yay!!!  So yeah, see you in the comments there.

Also, if there is anyone out there reading this, please, leave a comment below!  I would love to know if any other people are reading my blog.  I have now enabled anonymous commenting (didn't know how before), so you can comment without having an account!  Just type your comment and select "Comment as: Anonymous".

Thanks!  ^-^


  1. Here's an example. (It's me.) Just do this. :P

  2. yay! I wish you had done this earlier... oh well! it wouldn't have mad too much of a difference for me...I hope more people comment now!

    1. Trust me, I would have done this earlier. I just kinda assumed that it was already enabled, and that you don't have to enable it at all. But now I've fixed it, so it's better. Thanks! I hope so too!
